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Amazon Interview Boot Camp
Section 1: Guiding Principles, Keys to Success, Pitfalls to Avoid
Lecture 1.1: Introduction & Guiding Principles to Ace Your Amazon Interview (7:26)
Lecture 1.2: Latest Amazon Recruiting Updates (6:27)
Lecture 1.3: Key to Success (5:56)
Lecture 1.4: Pitfalls to Avoid (6:51)
Section 2: Navigating Amazon Interview Process
Lecture 2.1: Amazon Recruiting Process Overview (3:17)
Lecture 2.2: Lead Generation (6:59)
Lecture 2.3: How to prepare for Amazon phone interview (3:33)
Lecture 2.4: How to prepare for Amazon on-site interview (5:32)
Lecture 2.5: Understand the role of bar raiser (5:08)
Lecture 2.6: Job title deflation at Amazon (7:08)
Lecture 2.7: Amazon compensation structure and negotiation (2:57)
Lecture 2.8: section homework (2:40)
Section 3: How to Ace Amazon Leadership Principles Questions
Lecture 3.1: Why Amazon Leadership Principles are so important? (4:17)
Lecture 3.2: Define Amazon Leadership Principles (13:41)
Lecture 3.3: Honest truth about Amazon Leadership Principles (what are excluded, and what are included) (10:21)
Lecture 3.4: Homework to prepare for Amazon Leadership Principles interview (2:48)
Section 4: How to Ace Amazon Technical and System Design Interview
Lecture 4.1: Overview of Technical and Design Interview at Amazon (6:04)
Lecture 4.2: Guiding Principles to Prepare for Amazon Technical and Design Interviews (5:39)
Lecture 4.3: How to Prepare for Technical Interviews (4:37)
Lecture 4.4: How to Prepare for System Design Interviews (8:34)
Lecture 2.4: How to prepare for Amazon on-site interview
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